Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Huddled Masses, Turned Away

·       With increased removal cases of immigrants promising to rise to historic levels, and the majority of those deportation cases involving only procedural---not criminal- --wrongdoings one thing is certain: The deportation system is not only flawed, it is damaged. With his article, Robert Morgenthau examines some of the flaws that today plague said system and even shares a personal experience to show just how corrupted the system really is.
Central Argument:
·       The article’s central argument revolves around a quote from Emma Lazarus’s sonnet-“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. In the article Morgenthau claims that today, “those words, inscribed at its base [the state of liberty], have been turned on their heads”. He adds that today, the immigration laws are not only bad because of the effects they have, but because of the way they are administered as well.
·       “Though it has assured Congress that it concentrates on those who pose a danger to public safety, the agency often deports immigrants guilty only of technical violation of the immigration laws”
This assertion strengthens the claim made by Morgenthau because it validates his claim that today immigration policies are being administered in the wrong way.
·       “Our restrictive immigration laws are bad enough­---separating families, sending refugees like Haitians back to devastated countries, denying jobs to foreign students---but how they are administered is even worse”
This assertion strengthens the claim made by Morgenthau because it supports his argument that these policies are ludicrous, sometimes even leading to the denying of civil rights to immigrants being imprisoned in detention facilities.

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