They say, I say

They say, I say 3
In the article entitled “Southern Hospitality, but Not for Newcomers” Yunte Huang introduces 2 quotations.  In the first he quotes the governor of Alabama Robert J. Bently. The quote reads as follows: “anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I’m telling you you’re not my brother”. Huang goes on to explain how this quote indicates that Bently would not express any type of southern hospitality to anyone who is from another nationality, race or religion. In the article Huang ties the quotation nicely to his argument by relating the quotation to his personal experience being an immigrant from China.  In his second quote Huang quotes the bible: “Help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you”. This quote however is left dangling without a true frame built around it to explain what the quote means to him. If I could suggest any changes to the article it would be to better frame the second quote and explain how it relates back to the immigration law.